PSA: Merging from Tumblr

I am merging all of my posts from my [Tumblr]( into Svbtle, and will publish personal posts solely on this platform.

EDIT The overarching reason for the move stems from user enjoyment at Tumblr – it wasn’t there. Tumblr dashboards are pretty to look at, but are woefully short of providing a nice writing platform.

I also found myself spending quite a bit of time tangling with the front-end, which is not where I enjoy being.

A personal motto I hold is that environment comes before progression. Take a gym, for example. I will spend more time at a gym if I am relaxed by the setting, if the equipment is clean, and the pool pleasing. Put another way, I write much more easily when I don’t have to worry about formatting.

At any rate, hello, world of subtleties.


Now read this

Notes on Mumbai

This past month I traveled to Mumbai, and while I anticipated the trip to be fun and engaging, I didn’t account for the sheer difference in daily living that awaited in the 4th most populous city in the world. One of many Mumbai... Continue →